1. 了解你的目标客户市场并选择一个合适的顶级域名
假设公司的主要客户群是在英国,则非常有必要选择一个以 .UK 结尾的顶级域名并把空间服务器也选在英国。
Know your geographic market and ensure your domain has the correct TLD.
If your primary market is the UK it is important to use a .UK TLD and ideally have your domain hosted on UK based servers.
Include keyword in Domain name (using hyphens if necessary).
This doesn't mean having a domain name like keyword-keyword-keyword-keyword.com try to stick to the one hyphen and not read as spam my. A good example is a site that sells battery energy with the URL of the site being www.green-batteries.com
2. 在域名中包含关键词(如果有必要可以加短划线)
这并不是意味着你要注册一个像 关键词-关键词-关键词-关键词.com 这样的一看就像是垃圾网站,域名需要有可读性,举个例子,如果公司的产品是绿色电池能源,那么可以注册个类似 www.green-batteries.com 的域名,对于后面的SEO网站优化有一定的帮助。
Create as much content about your products or subject as you can.
After doing this divide in to 4 or 5 sections (this will help later when creating your navigation structure)
3. 对公司的产品描述尽可能多的内容或目录
AFTER you have your site content start keyword researching
There are tools you can use for keyword research; Wordtracker and The Google AdWords Keyword Tool to name but two. I personally use a combination of the Google Keyword Tool, Google LSI and T.J. Common Sense.
4. 当你完善网站内容后去研究下公司的产品关键词
网上有很多工具可以对产品关键词进行分析,个人推荐使用Google Adwords关键词工具,这对于做谷歌推广有很大的参考价值。
Decide on 4 or 5 primary keywords to use as main sub-sections
Ideally have an idea of 4 or 5 main keywords, call them your Primary Keywords and then try to position secondary keywords with the Primary Word most closely associated with it.
5. 筛选4到5个产品关键词做为分目录
Sit down and sketch out your navigation system
Put a lot of time in to this and play around until it is right, use Primary Keyword as headers for 5 main Sub-sections and use secondary keywords as headers for content pages under each Primary Keyword
The above diagram shows the early stages of constructing a navigation system. The green section (Sub-1) shows how all other sub sections will be. The Home page, All 5 Sub-section, About us, Terms, Contact, Privacy, Resources and Sitemap pages are always interlinked with each other forming 12 strong pages (more about this later)
6. 静下心来草拟公司的导航目录
Re-write content using knowledge previously gained about keywords and phrases
This doesn't mean totally re-writing and stuffing the page with keywords, it requires writing paragraphs ensuring the right phrases are in the right places but isn't obvious that the phrases are written for the search engines. Do not write too much information on each page and do not stray of in to writing about something else.
7. Url重写技术用于网站地址的关键词和语句
Structure each individual page
With your content rich, keyword balanced page written, you now have to create the page structure. Each page should be seen as an individual website.
8. 构建每个单独的页面
Starting from the top,
Page title should reflect the content of the Page ensuring you use the primary keyword for that Page
Meta keyword tags, (although not overly important), should list 4 or 5 individual keywords related to the Page you have created.
Meta Description tags, this should be a short concise description describing what the Page is about. This is very important as a selling point as you can manipulate the search engines in to displaying this when the person searches for the keyword used in the description. A favourite of mine is "Provides information about the latest KEYWORD now in stock and available online" or words suitable for the product.
Avoid bloated code by using external style sheets and minimum coding.
Main page layout was previously discussed whilst sketching the navigation system, but it is important that all links are seen by the engines and are using the correct anchor text related to the pages they are pointing too. Avoid using JavaScript for links and if you have to use images ensure you use the correct alt attributes. If the page has too many links on it and looks messy this can be overcome by using a combination of css and JavaScript to create drop down boxes, but should only be used if you know what you are doing. If you have the opposite problem, and want to include links on the page but not necessarily have search engines follow them, this can be achieved using drop down option boxes.
With your general layout and your linking structure sorted you should now sort out your headings. The main page heading of the page should use your Keywords and be in H1 Tags, this should be followed by your most important paragraph, ideally working down the page you should use secondary headers from h2 to h4 (always using the keywords if possible)
If you have used images on your page ensure keywords in the Alt attributes, this doesn't mean keyword stuff them but just describe the image using the keyword.
Proof read your completed page and get a 2nd opinion
With your page completed try and get someone to check it for you to see if it reads to spammy and to see if you have missed out any obvious key phrases that should be on the page.
9. 仔细检查已完成的页面
Construct your site.
With the previous procedure completed for all pages it's now time to put the site together. Simply use the previously devised linking structure, group similar pages together under appropriate sub headings and ensure all links are active and using correct anchor text.
10. 构造网站